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Let's discover NOÉ in 5 minutes! 🥳

What is NOÉ ?

NOÉ is the short name for "Nouvelle Organization d'Événements" (which could translate to "New Ways to Organize Events"). It is an open-source tool for event organizators that wish to organize more horizontal, auto-organized and participative events, through a set of tools that helps during all the steps of the organization:

  • Declare your artistic, musical or educational schedule directly in NOÉ. It becomes your main source of information, where you can store the "what, where, when and with who" information of your event.

  • Invite participants to your event. NOÉ provides a way for your participants to register to activities, workshops and volunteering sessions that they want, totally freely, even in very big events. Give essential information in your welcome page, fully editable with a built-in editor, inside NOÉ.

  • Integrate volunteering, natively. For your event to run perfectly, you may need each participant to spend some time helping as a volunteer. Set your desired range of acceptable volunteering time per day, so participants get encouraged to fill their volunteering gauge. Encourage people to volunteer in more exhausting volunteerings by setting a volunteering majoration on the shifts that need a boost.

  • Monitor your participants' registrations and get key insights from them. Build your custom registration form directly inside NOÉ, ask what you need to know to your participants. Compile results and make better decisions overall to spare time, effort and money.

  • Keep in touch with your participants. You’re able to extract phone numbers, emails or any other useful information really quickly, so you can talk easily with your participants, send targeted group emails or group text messages to people who need it.

Understanding NOÉ in video

Follow our playlist of tutorials on YouTube to familiarise yourself with the tool:

The video below shows everything you can do with NOÉ in less than 20 minutes! It dates from March 2022 (a lot has happened since then!) but it's still relatively relevant:

Once again, if you'd like to organise an event, the best thing to do is contact us :)

Send an email ️✉️

What are the main features? (a non-exhaustive list!)


NOÉ is designed in a modular way and can be adapted to many types of events: festivals residencies, summer universities, etc. Why not yours?

Organizers can :

  • Enter all elements of the event program (venues, activities, speakers) as well as all associated constraints (availability of people, rooms, etc.),
  • Easily rearrange sessions thanks to an agenda view that allows you to move, resize, or clone sessions easily
  • Consult and modify in two clicks the registration data of participants
  • Create teams of participants
  • Register, or unregister participants to sessions, or teams.
  • And many other things...

Participants can:

  • Register for the event,
  • Choose the activities they want to take part in, by searching, filtering, the available sessions,
  • Consult their schedule easily, on PC or mobile.
  • Export their schedule in PDF
  • And much more...